Pulsed Xenon Lamps & Modules
1100 Series Powerr Supplies fromm Excelitas are designed for high energgy
capaccitor dischargge service witth any guidedd arc bulb‐typee flashlamp.
Key Feattures
* Compaact
* 10 or 220 Watts average power
* Regulated with low ripple
* Programmable outpuut voltage
* Up to 11000 Hz flash rrate
* Absorpption analysis
* Immunnoassay modules
* Fluorimmetry
* Spectrooradiometry
* Liquid aand gas chrommatography
* Colorimmetry
* UV‐VISS‐NIR applicatioons
* Machinne vision
PS-1100_Series_Power_Supplies_datasheet.pdf (449.6K)
0회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-10-12 14:31:03