
LINOS Laser Modulators

LINOS® Laser Modulators are integrated into systems outside of the laser cavity 

to modify beam parameters. 

You can choose from a variety of crystals, apertures as well as laser phase, 

intensity and polarization modulation options from 300 nm to 3 µm. 


Excelitas combines premium-grade materials with more than 40-years of expertise to deliver best-in-class electro-optic performance across our entire line of LINOS Laser Modulators. 

Choose from a large selection of crystals for a variety of applications, apertures and laser outputs, covering the entire wavelength range from 300 nm  to 3 µm. The consistently high-quality and incomparable value of our products is assured by a combination of our many years of experience, a sophisticated design, modern engineering with computer simulations, and sophisticated processing. Custom solutions are available upon request.


사이트 정보

회사명 : 비엔비상사(B&B CORPORATION)│㈜비엔비옵토(B&B OPTO CO., LTD.) | 대표 : 김부원
경기도 화성시 정남면 만년로 617
TEL : 031-353-7853 | FAX : 031-353-9641

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