Triggered Mini Spark Gaps & Transformers
* Fast switching operation
* High voltage holdoff
* Ceramic-metal construction
* No warm up period
* High current capability
* Long life
Excelitas’ Triggered Spark Gaps are a family of versatile high voltage switches. They consist of three electrodes in a hermetically sealed, pressurized ceramic envelope. Triggered
Spark Gaps are generally characterized by a peak current capability of thousands to tens of thousands of amperes, delay times of tens of nanoseconds, arc resistance of tens of
milliohms and inductance of 5 to 30 nanohenries.
They are suitable for capacitor switching applications such as flashlamps, electrically pumped gas lasers, medical lithotripters, and as crowbar protection devices.
DTS_Triggered_Spark_Gap.pdf (5.0M)
0회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-10-15 12:08:37