Triggered Mini Spark Gaps & Transformers
Excelitas' Mini-Triggered Spark Gaps are designed for high reliabilty switching up to 4 kV and 10 KA. Constructed of hermetically sealed ceramic-metal, filled with pressurized gas,
they are typically used for activating electro-explosive devices such as exploding bridgewires, electronic safe and arm systems, and detonators.Excelitas' Trigger Transformers are matched to the requirements of the Mini-Triggered Spark Gaps to provide a high voltage pulse with a fast rise time and low current. Excelitas' Trigger Transformers are designed
to be the most durable and reliable transformers available.
Miniature Triggered Spark Gaps
The triggered spark gap is a three element, gas-filled, ceramic-to-metal, hermetically sealed, pressurized switch that operates in an arc discharge mode, conducting moderately
high peak currents for short durations. Commutation between two main electrodes is initiated by a trigger pulse.
* Applications
- Exploding bridgewire (EBW)
- Exploding foil-initiator (EFI)
- Electronic safe and arm (ESA)
- Slapper/detonator
DTS_Mini-Triggered_Gaps_Transformers.pdf (1.3M)
0회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-10-15 11:40:34