Defense Optronics
Our Optronic Solutions for Missile Warning Systems are a key in detecting and tracking
missile threats on airborne and ground-based platforms. Operating in the UV or infrared
these systems detect incoming threats and countermeasures to be deployed. With more than
8,000 systems deployed worldwide, Excelitas has an unrivaled pedigree in the design and
manufacture of missile warning optics for rotary wing, military transport, fast jet and vehicle
applications. Our products are in service on NH-90, Tiger, F-16, A400M, Rafale and Puma
amongst others.
Ultra-Wide Fields of View
Solutions delivering near diffraction limited performance over extremely wide fields-of-view to give 360° coverage.
Excelitas has developed novel production techniques and bespoke metrology to ensure the delivery of these systems
in volume production.
Ultra-Violet and Infrared Solutions
We offer a depth of experience in the design and manufacture of both solar-blind ultraviolet and infrared missile warning optics.
Unique Coatings
Coatings are key to the performance of missile warning systems. Excelitas has patented processes to ensure
coating uniformity over steep optical surfaces and unique filter technology for UV systems.
Passive Athermalization
Passive optical athermalization is critical for the operation of these systems over a the extreme military environment.
Excelitas has invested in measurement of the thermo-optical properties of optical materials to guarantee optimum
performance of wide temperature ranges. In house software models athermalisation of the whole optomechanical assembly in its entirety.
Stray Light Control
To minimize false alarms, stray light control is critical. Excelitas designers have extensive experience in the modelling
and control of stray light in these demanding systems.